Public Safety



The City of Perry Prioritizes the Safety of the Public


L I N K S and N O T I C E S:


Citizen Advisory Task Force CATF 

Report a street light outage

2024 Garbage Schedule

2024 Trash pickup by zone

2022 Consumer Confidence Report

In May of 2017 the City of Perry discontinued doing repair work on natural gas appliances & piping. The City will continue to respond to natural gas leaks and will light pilots when no repairs are required. Get more information on repair work on natural gas appliances & piping.


Notice: Perry Fire Pension/Police Pension Boards meet quarterly. Meetings are held @ City Hall (Council Room)

2024 Quarterly Meeting Dates for Fire Pension Board (11:00 a.m.) and Police Pension Board (1:00 p.m.):

           August 1, 2024          October 17, 2024



“Construction of upgrades and improvements to the City of Perry, Well No.3 financed by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The DWSRF program is administered by Florida Department of Environmental Protection with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and State of Florida. This project will provide an improvement to the water quality in the water distribution system along with greater operator control for community members in City of Perry. DWSRF programs operate around the country to provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects our valuable water resources nationwide."

Need to report a street light outage?